Office resource management is the process of using a company’s resource in most efficient way possible. This resource can include tangible resources such as goods and equipment’s, financial resources, time and labor. Resource management can include ideas such as making sure one has enough physical resources for one’s business but an overabundance so that products won’t get misused or making sure that people are assigned to tasks that will keep them busy and not have too much downtime

Reducing office waste

  1. Use both sides of the paper while printing or using a photocopier. This will reduce the overall paper consumption.
  2. Invest in good quality dust bins and label them well. It will make work easier to know which rubbish should be put in which bin which in turn will help in the recycling effort.
  3. Uses clothes towels in the kitchen and bathrooms. Washing them may take a little effort but will reduce the amount of paper productive you waste.
  4. Only print if necessary.
  5. Encourage staff to bring in lunch rather than bring in pre packed sandwiches.
  6. Encourage staff to read through whatever they want hey want to print before printing.
  7. Store most of the office files on computers rather than printing them up and filling them.
  8. Use electronic communication where possible to reduce printing and faxing.
  9. Avoid color printing. Wherever possible print documents in black and white as it uses a lot less ink.
  10. Use florescent or LED bulbs.
  11. Employees must be knowledgeable in the proper operation of the office machine such as printers copiers and fax machines.